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The Secret to Santa’s Holiday Cheer: Cloud-based ERP 

By Rhodium Digital

Santa is the ultimate digital transformation expert. He’s a maverick at efficiency, highly adapt at picking up on market trends and servicing a growing, global client base each year. Although we may be in the dark around how Santa performs these feats, there is no doubt Santa has the most well integrated, future-proof ERP system in town.  

How do we know? Here’s how Santa uses his ERP to perform his classic Christmas magic - ensuring ol St. Nick is always in a cheerful holiday spirit. 

  • High production lines like Santa’s require elves, and plenty of them. An ERP system allows a hiring elf to focus on finding the right helpers for Santa’s factory. With tools to help hiring elves set budget allocations for each department, analyze areas of high turnovers, and the ability to report on personnel needs, Santa’s jolly ERP keeps recruitment and HR in line. 
Seasonal demands
  • Santa wouldn’t be successful if he did the same thing each year. As a maverick for picking up on trends, Santa relies on a smart system that can track and report patterns year after year. With this bird’s eye view on operations, Santa can plan for resource allocation, inventory levels, incoming orders, and forecast for when the factory is at its highest demand.   
Order Management
  • Santa relies on an integrated ERP to process requests from children around the globe. Order entries are created and sent to the factory, always with the purpose of the greatest customer experience. 
Toy Design & Production 
  • All aspects of a product development life cycle can be integrated in an ERP system. With so many toys to produce and track, ERP helps Santa stay on top of a diverse array of product lines, and helps Santa gain insight into historical product launches to ease decision making for toy design in future years.  
Transport Planning 
  • 24-hour delivery window for millions of children worldwide means Santa needs all the help he can get in establishing drop-off routes and keeping reindeer on course. An ERP system helps Santa manage scheduled delivers in real-time, all while confirming sleigh load limits throughout the journey.  
  •  Santa’s CRM is the most powerful in the world, as it not only integrates with the order requests of millions of children, but it also tracks who is on the naughty or nice list. Not to mention, it stores the home address of all the kids Santa needs to visit on Christmas Eve.  
Cloud-based connectivity 
  • Santa is able to access his ERP from wherever he is in the world, from whatever device he chooses. While travelling in his sleigh or surveying the floor of the factory, Santa and his team of helpers have real-time access to all the data they need to get the job done. 

 If you’d like to have some of Santa’s holiday cheer in your own enterprise, why not see how we can help you today?  

Santa doesn’t have to be the only jolly one this Christmas. Book a free discovery call with Rhodium Digital and explore how you can make your operations run as smoothly as Santa’s, thanks in part to digital transformation and cloud-based ERP 

Tags: business agility, ERP, digital transformation, cloud software

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